Saturday, April 7, 2012

Flashback causing Mac attacks: Detection and Removal

Mac OS Virus Attack

Mac owners beware. A new Trojan called Flashback is running amok, infecting Mac computers everywhere. This nasty little virus is installed when a user visits various java-enabled websites. It's so silent in its infection that the user will never know it's there. Flashback was designed to capture username/passwords. Once a username and password is captured, Flashback sends this personal information to another location.

Since Flashback is so sneaky, users will need to download and install FlashbackChecker in order to find it. This program will scan the user's computer and detect Flashback, but it will not remove it.

Those infected with the virus shouldn’t worry because there are a couple of ways to remove it from the operating system.

1.       Follow the instructions found here to remove the virus manually.
2.       Download and install Sophos Anti-Virus. This software is capable of removing Flashback.  

If FlashbackChecker doesn’t find the virus, your Mac may still be at risk. In order to prevent any future infection, all Apple updates will need to be downloaded and installed. The new updates will prevent a Flashback infection but will not remove it.

Viruses like Flashback are the reason it’s important to download and install updates for any operating system. This should be done on a regular basis and should be as routine as brushing your teeth, although not necessarily as often. Thieves are always creating new ways to hack your system and gain access to personal information. But, the OS companies work equally as hard to patch-up holes in their system, so make sure you check for updates often.